MW Documents Repository - a Digital Filing Cabinet
Basic Set-up for Mindwatering Custom Apps

1. Access Set-up
To implement this application, you must add it to either a Notes Client or a Domino Server. These instructions assume a Domino server.
a. Create a copy of the demo app (NSF) onto the Domino server.
- Open the app locally in the Notes client on the local Mac, Linux, or PC workstation.
- Create a new copy on the Domino server.
Note: This only works if you are allowed to do so by your administrator. We are assuming you are the administrator.
- File --> Application --> New Copy
- Choose the server. Update the app Title and file name / location as desired.
- Click OK
b. Update the ACL on the server.
About roles:
The application has multipleroles: [admin], [er] , [inv], [po], [reimb], [sp], and [staff].
The staff role gives users ability to maintain all the various document types in the application.
The admin role gives additional ability for business owner users to the utility section of the application of repository categories, inventory categories, and auto-reply set-up.
The rest of the roles are for specific access to individual types of repository documents.
- er = Equip. Loss Reports
- inv = Inventory Documents
- po = Purchase Orders
- reimb = Reimbursements to / from the Company
- sp = Service / Vendor Payments

Make the following ACL changes:
- Give the LocalDomainAdmins and LocalDomainServers groups all roles and Manager access with all privileges.
- Give the average user of the app the role(s) needed to create documents in the repository.
- Add the user Anonymous and give the access of "No Access".
- Change the -Default- user entry to "No Access" or "Reader" depending on your corporate standards of access for all users.
Close and re-open the app or IBM Notes client(s) to experience the update access settings.
c. Sign the app.
- Using the Administrator client, locate the application and sign it.
Right click --> Sign --> Choose server and check the faster option.
2. Create Document Categories
- Under Utilities, select the Documents Categories view.
- Click the New Category button.
a. Complete the Name field with a group or type of newsletters.
b. Choose the Sort number desired.
c. Click Save.
d. Click Close.
3. Create Inventory Categories
- Under Utilities, select the Inventory Categories view.
- Click the New Category button.
a. Complete the Name field with a group or type of newsletters.
b. Choose the Sort number desired.
c. Click Save.
d. Click Close.
4. Set-up the Auto-Reply
There are two parts to set-up. One is within the application. The other is a mail-in record in the server's Domino Directory.
a. Mail-in Document creation
- Create a Mail-in Application (Database) record.
- Make the destination the application using the path in step 1 above.
- Set the e-mail address for the application.
b. Application User Setup
- Under Utilities, select Auto-Reply Setup.
- Click the New Auto-Reply Setup button.
- Enter the Name of the person being set-up, set-up the desired Subject and Save the new setup document.
Documents forwarded / sent to the documents repository app will display in the In-box.
They need to be filed. Select one or more documents, choose whether to update meta-data, and then choose the category location w/in the repository.

5. Special Document Types:
The application includes various common specialized document types for the small and mid-size business.
a. Reimbursements
Reimbursements are for recording reimbursements to or from the Company to the employees.

b. Inventory Documents
Inventory Documents allow you to simply inventory assets. Includes power consumption for either load calculations on back-up power or LEED type power calculations.

c. Equipment Loss Reports
Equipment Reports let you list for accounting purposes equipment bought each year or trash/sold each year.

d. Service / Vendor Payments
Service and Vendor Payments are used to track / record payments to contractors or vendors.

e. Purchase Orders
Allows you to create P.O.s for companies that require one for you to buy or sell something with them.

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